

MODPLSQL-000058: mod_plsql: HTTP-503 ORA-65162 ORA-65162: The password of the common user has expired

Oracle XE 18c with Apex 19 on top has got a default password expiration setup and user profile setup which one day simply ends up as a closed down service. Only place to find a decent log is webservers access log (if you are lucky enough to have it).
"Common user" is really unhelpfull, basically your APEX_PUBLIC_USER account password has expired. Hopefully you recall original password, otherwise you will have to change password hashes in dads.conf.

SELECT username, account_status FROM dba_users WHERE ACCOUNT_STATUS LIKE '%EXPIRED%';
ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY yourpassword   (dont use SEMICOLON; - use new line)
alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER account unlock;

In case you still stuck, somehow Apex 19 likes anonymous account being unlocked:


Oracle Apex 19.2 on Oracle database 18c XE issues when running on HTTP server 11.1.1

System setup

Oracle Apex 19.2
Oracle Database XE 18c (18.4)
Oracle OFM HTTP server 11 (

List of articles that I have been following

Oracle Apex 19.2 installation instructions
Popular CDB/PDB issue article online

Issues encountered after setting up Oracle Apex with HTTP server using articles above

Error provisioning XXXXXXXXXXXX. ORA-20001: Request 1824748984765804 could not be processed. PROVISION_COMPANY
- this basically means you are in the wrong DB. You are connected to CDB$ROOT instead of XEPDB1 (and not PDB1!)


ORA-01152: file 1 was not restored from a sufficiently old backup

This post covers a very specific situation and may not be the general solution for this Oracle error. Details for current situation:
- New Oracle installation
- Restored database copy of the same version (using RMAN)
- Recovery noarchivelog
- Restart

When booting up the restored database it complaints about DBID for the first time, then it stops when restoration is repeated.


Error in writing to directory /tmp Please ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 60 MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue.

I recently got an increasing flood of the same error in all the server environments:

Error in writing to directory /tmp/OraInstallYYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SSAM Please ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 60 MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue.

Tmp has always got 0777, always plenty of space, Oracle Installer creates a folder in Tmp, but fails writing. Some sources online suggest Temp2 type solution of creating another temporary folder, pass TMP and TEMP variables to the shell, but not all shells and environments accept those.

I have no cure, but based on recent testing it all boils down to this checklist:
- place installer in Oracle home directory (or complete equivalent)
- unpack zips, cpios with Oracle user you are going to use for installation
- run installer from an installation directory with Oracle user (not using full path)
- check if unzip is installed

At least last couple of times first step solved the problem. It looks like Oracle user fails writing somewhere, but it reports it with dummy error.



People say ApexLib will not work on Apex > 4.1 ( After Apex upgrade to 4.2 ApexLib failed to compile - thats true. After primary installation (which was 3.2) all the Synonyms for user Apexlib are pointing to APEX_030200 user schema. First attempt was to recreate all the synonyms and I did that.

The only problem I bumped into was G_VALIDATION_IDS_IN_ERROR. Downloaded a new version of ApexLib, repeated the installation referencing to docs ( - result is the same: G_VALIDATION_IDS_IN_ERROR.


Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager is a system management tool which provides an integrated solution for managing your heterogeneous environment. It combines a graphical console, agents, common services, and tools to provide an integrated, comprehensive systems management platform for managing Oracle products. 

From the Oracle Enterprise Manager's Console, you can do the following tasks:

  • Administer, diagnose, and tune multiple databases
  • Schedule jobs on multiple nodes at varying time intervals
  • Distribute software to multiple servers and clients
  • Monitor objects and events throughout the network
  • Customize your display using multiple graphic maps and groups of network objects, such as nodes and databases
  • Administer Oracle Parallel Servers
  • Integrate participating Oracle or third-party tools

Oracle XE


Oracle installer 12 on Xming copy paste keyboard problem

Was running a few Oracle Installers via SSH X tunnel forward and Xming client on local Windows 10 box. I noticed that in some installers keyboard does not work.

Its ok sometimes, but Oracle HTTP Server installer needs username and password input. Took a few days (maybe its just me), but looks like Windows Paste is mapped to a middle mouse button. I've found some hints confirming this in forum here. Although selecting and cutting did not work.


Unix (Solaris) display forwarding after user switch (su)

Using X forward via SSH, Xming client running locally on Windows box. After login to SSH with your preferred tool (Putty or SSH Secure Shell) X applications do work, but they stop working after you switch to another user.
My objective was to run Oracle Installer without having root access or Oracle user via SSH only. User is not part of DBA group and new Oracle user (ora12213) does not have X access.

bash-4.1$ xclock
Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0


Stephen Hawking dissertation for download

Cambridge university made recently made Stepen Hawkings 1966 PhD thesis available online. Hawking was 24 when he wrote it. Due to high demand university library had issues with server load. This exceptional work is open for viewing, 51 years have passed and some theories where proven wrong, some where ahead of their time and some physicists didnt agree back then.

You can download original copy from Cambridge library repository.
An alternative copy is stored here for download.


Simple Centos unzip problem

[root@storage Bilder_JB]# unzip 
unzip:  cannot find or open, or
[root@storage Bilder_JB]# ll -h
total 12G
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 root root  12G Oct 31 17:30

Was trying to unzip large file, started with 2G, 4G, then 12G - looks like unzip has some kind of a limit. Solution is rather simple: JAVA

[root@storage Bilder_JB]# jar xvf 

turinio valdymo sistema (tvs) leidžia patiems redaguoti svetainės turinį, visos funkcijos greitos ir paprastos net mažai įgudusiam vartotojui. pagaminu, sukonfigūruoju, suprojektuoju visą sistemą, užpildau pradiniu turiniu.

modulinė tvs komplektuojama (bet neapsiriboja) iš šių modulių:
- naujienos / blogas
- puslapiai (su ir be komentarų)
- forumas
- automatiniai nuotraukų įrankiai
- krepšelis prekėms (e-parduotuvė)
- seo (standartinis modulis)
- galerijos
- skaidrės
- daugelio kalbų palaikymas
- paypal, paysera (e-parduotuvei)

internetinė aplikacija tai duomenų baze paremta sistema, kurios valdymas atliekamas per naršyklę. tokio tipo aplikacijos nereikalauja jokių papildomų priedų, konfigūracijos, jos yra centralizuotai keičiamos, taisomos, atnaujinamos. mūsų kuriamų aplikacijų pagrindas yra oracle duomenų bazė, ko pasekoje mes galima pasiūlyti galingas, lanksčias, norimo sudėtingumo lygio aplikacijas.

internetinė aplikacijos gali būti pritaikomos šiems sprendimams:
- apskaitos įrankiai (finansų, laiko, prekių, formos)
- internetinė parduotuvė
- interneto portalas
- duomenų surinkimo terminalas

parduotuvės galimybės:
- prekių katalogas
- sandėlis (prekių kiekių apskaita)
- užsakymų valdymas (rankinis pateikimas, vartotojų užsakymų vykdymas ir sekimas)
- nuolaidų katalogas
- atsiskaitymai paypal ir paysera (mokė

atliekame serverio pradinį paruošimą, aptarnavimą ir monitoringą. konsultuojame serverio įsigijimo klausimais, padedame specifikuoti ir išsirinkti. specializuojamės linux, unix, windows sistemose.

linux redhat/centos/unbreakable/suse
- konfigūravimas
- pradinis diegimas
- soft raid
- monitoringas
- apsauga
- disko kodavimas

elektroninio pašto siuntimo funkcija visiems yra gerai žinoma, daugelis naudojasi interneto tiekėjų paslaugomis. siūlome sprendimą skirtą tiems, kurie nori būti tikri dėl visapusiško savo duomenų privatumo. serveris diegiamas kliento prieigoje arba pasirinktame nuomojamame serveryje. jame talpinamas e-pašto turinys, registras, papildomos apsaugos ar funkcijos:
- antivirusinė apsauga
- brukalo (spam) filtras ir automatizuotas valdymas (naikinti, grąžinti, kaupti vienoje dėžutėje)
- neribotas dėžučių skaičius
- prieinamumas visais žinomais protokolais: pop3, imap, www
- dinaminė ugniasienė
- kiti mechanizmai: postgrey, rbl

Mes kuriame internetines svetaines, elektronines parduotuves, intraneto aplikacijas. Taip pat prižiūrime serverius, juos diegiame. Galime įdiegti papildomus serverio servisus kaip e-pašto funkcija ar statistikos rinkimas.
Internetinės svetainės kuriamos naudojant modulinę turinio valdymo sistemą, Jums sukomplektuojamos reikalingos funkcijos. Svetainė yra automatiškai SEO optimizuota paieškoms ir nereikalauja jokios rankinės priežiūros. Jeigu reikia galima užpildyti ir turinį.
Įmonių aplikacijų pavyzdžiai: CRM, sandėlio valdymas, sąskaitų generavimas, laiko apskaita, intranetas, forumas, registracijos forma, klientų atsiliepimų ar problemų registravimo sistema. Galime suprogramuoti bet kokią jums reikalingą sistemą.